Going to the sea is good just for the simple fact that you are on vacation, but if you want to be precise it is not just a matter of detachment from everyday life : our body feels so regenerated every time you can make a jump, also short, on the beach!
The answer is to research in the natural elements found in the seaside resorts: sun, salt water and iodine.
It is not a secret that exposing ourselves to sunlight, certainly always with due precautions, is good because it stimulates the synthesis of vitamin D, a very important vitamin for the skin, bones and other problems related for example to rheumatism. Without forgetting that natural light, especially if intense, prevents depression: certainly some people know about it!
Perhaps not everyone knows of salt water anti-inflammatory properties. Those who suffer for eczema can benefit greatly from bathing in the sea, thanks to the antibacterial action of the sea water. The salts dissolved in the water carry out a deep cleansing of the pores that tend to open up when they come into contact with sea salinity, elimi-nating waste.
The circulation is reactivated and this improves the condition of those who have problems with cellulite or water retention. The pressure is added to the temperature a bit lower than the body temperature and the movement gen-erated by the waves provides immediate relief for those who dive.

Iodine is an element that helps a lot those with thyroid problems. You can breathe by the sea, so you can take care of yourself without even realizing that you are doing it. A good nutrition must be combined with the inhaled iodine, which can help to reach the necessary quantity every day. The foods that are richer are mainly fish, crus-taceans, fruit and vegetables.